Tuesday, January 14, 2014

American Hustle

    Over our Christmas break/winter break or whatever you want to call it, I didn't go out very much. Especially to the movies. I went to the movies once over break. My family has a new tradition that every Christmas Eve we have our Christmas dinner. Then Christmas morning we open presents and eat breakfast and then have all day to do what we want. Then we go to a movie Christmas night. 
    This year, my family and I chose to go see the movie American Hustle. I wasn't very thrilled with that movie choice because it didn't look appealing to me. It wasn't really something that seemed enticing to me. 
    As the movie began, I thought I should give it a chance. That maybe the movie was going to be better then I thought. I was wrong. Over halfway through the movie my butt started to fall asleep. I didn't get the purpose or the plot of the movie. It didn't make sense to me. Watching the scenes in the movie was strange to me. The scenes made me not uncomfortable, that's not the right word, but uneasy. Maybe.... I don't know if that's the right word either.... It's probably not. 
    Anyways. The movie was about these hustlers that hustle a cop and in the end come out on too looking like the good guys. Watching this movie with my parents was interesting, because there was a lot of sexual scenes. That's awkward to sit through with anyone's parents... I definitely would not recommend this movie to anyone not matter how many golden globes the movie wins. 

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