Monday, April 14, 2014

Over you

I had been so confident in the choice I had made.
I was tired of being treated as if I was last months trash to you.
I cared about everything that had happened to you.
We fought because I cared, and I knew you had more potential than you were letting on to. 
So I had finally had enough.
I gave up on the thought that you and I could ever be together again. 
I didn't want to be hurt anymore. 
I did what was best for myself.
What was healthiest for me.
Now, I see you with other people. 
I'm not jealous. 
I'm angry, how could I have had wasted so much time on someone like you. 
Seeing you two together makes me sick. Goodbye to the old you. 
Goodbye to the old us.

Monday, April 7, 2014


  In life, we have many choices that we have to make. Whether they are about something so small, such as what you're going to eat next, or as large and important as what you're going to choose as a career path. Either choice you have to make, effects you, just in different severities. 
   When you are forced to make decisions, those are the hardest choices to make. What if you don't make the right decision, what if you don't make everyone happy with the decision you make? What if you second guess yourself? What are you supposed to do then? Turn back and hope all those you disappointed forgive you? Or just keep going and know that the destiny you out into place is where you're supposed to be. Friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what. Some are, and some aren't. 
   Making the wrong decision scares me, I like to get everything right the first time. If I don't get it right the first time then I get angry. All the decisions I have made up until now in my life I have been proud of. I hope that the decisions that I've made will continue to be the right ones and I don't have to worry about what I've done. And what I choose. 

Monday, March 24, 2014


What is SkillsUSA? 
Is it a sport? 
Is it a game? 
Is it a hobby like 4h? 
Do you compete? 
Do you win things? 
Do you win money? 
Why do you do it? 

Do you do it for the satisfaction of competing? 
The satisfaction of knowing your hard work paid off? 
The thrill of that gold medal being handed to you? 
The look of excitement on your advisors face, knowing you're going to Kansas City? 

Why do you compete? 
Why do you come back every year? 

I come back to show I can do what I do, and do it well enough to win gold two years in a row. I breathe SkillsUSA from my lungs. It's made me who I am today. Without skills I wouldn't have been to travel. I wouldn't be able to compete and I wouldn't know the thrill of achieving my goal. SkillsUSA is a part of me. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


You acted like I would always be here,
Waiting for you to figure out what you wanted out of life, 
I'm angry with you. 
You played me like one of your video games, 
Except this time it was real, 
This time it wasn't a game. 
My adoration for you was endless and you knew that. 
You took advantage of my love. 
Did you even love me back? 
Too many years of games that I never stopped playing. 
Why did I let you control so much? 
Why did I allow myself to make you my world? 
You were so innocent and sweet before. 
I miss the old you, the you that I knew I'd never fall out of love with. 
The you that cared what I had to say. 
The you that annoyed me with how much you cared. 
I want to be annoyed now.
Instead I'm just disappointed now.
I'm broken.
I'm hurt.
You threw me out like one of your old toys and never looked back.
Who are you to judge all I have to give? 
Who are you to tell me how much I'm worth? 
You're no one to me now.
You're dead to me.
I hate what you've made me do. 
I hate how you made me feel. 
I hate how you left me. 
Finally, I hate you. 
I wish you no happiness.
Just the same you've done for me. 
Goodbye to those memories.
I hate you. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014


    So much has been going on in my life right now. It's been a juggling act to see what I'm able to handle and then what else we can throw on top of my loaded plate hoping that it doesn't come tumbling down with everything else. 
  For me to be happy though, I need a busy plate. I have OCD, so when I'm idle, my mind finds ways to stress me out. My OCD isn't having to touch things four times in a certain place, or washing my hands five times to make sure they're clean. My OCD is my mind being on a continuous go round on thoughts. Whether it's good thoughts and thoughts about what this day entails, or bad thoughts about things that I wish I never had to think about again. It's something that I've had to teach myself to overcome and figure out ways to move past whatever's bothering me. 
   In saying so, this year as most of you know, I got a job at the beginning of the year to try and keep myself and my mind busy enough to not have idling thoughts. It has definitely worked, but has left me time for nothing else. Unfortunately, causing me to make a difficult decision on whether or not I want to continue working. I love where I work, the people there are amazing and I feel as though I've made friends there that I wouldn't have been able to years ago. Friends that I can lean on whenever I need them. And I will forever be grateful. I will miss them all when I don't work there anymore, but I need to finish focusing on school. I graduate in 3 months and I need to prepare for that. My life right now, is hectic as some may say, but that's the way I like it and that's the way that I need it to be. Some people don't understand that. Some people don't understand why I'm involved in so much, and that's okay because I enjoy what I do. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life Goes On

   This school year has been by far, the most telling year of my life so far. It's taught me that no matter what goes on in my life, that I will be able to move on and move forward no matter what gets thrown my way. It's taught me to be able to see who in my life I can  always count on and who I need to slowly let go. 
  I've always been one to hold on to people in my life longer than I should have. I try to give people the most chances to prove to me that things can change. And that always seems to bite me in the end. I'm too forgiving and I change for everyone but myself.  
   So today while I'm watching tv and thinking about my last months of high school, I realized something. I realized that life passes by so quickly and that I have taken for granted the time that I've had. I'm so excited for my life after high school. I looks forward to seeing all that's to come of my life. But in order for me to be able to do this, I have to let my friends go. I have to let the ones go that don't treat me well. I have to be able to let go of the friendships that no longer benefit me, and that sucks. 
  It's hard. But life goes on. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Broken Down

Everything was going right
It was all okay, and finally good
I spoke too soon. 
My world has ceased to spin at the moment.
It all came crashing down at once.

I expected more from you, much more then you could actually promise.
Instead of being with you, here I am. 
Hating one person. 
You made me fall in love with you over and over again. 
We were never meant to be.
I'm sorry I wasted time on you. 
I want my life back to how it was before you. 
I don't want to look back. 
I can't keep having the same things go in my heads merry-go-round anymore. 
Get me off.
Never put me back on. 
I'm done.