Thursday, February 27, 2014


    So much has been going on in my life right now. It's been a juggling act to see what I'm able to handle and then what else we can throw on top of my loaded plate hoping that it doesn't come tumbling down with everything else. 
  For me to be happy though, I need a busy plate. I have OCD, so when I'm idle, my mind finds ways to stress me out. My OCD isn't having to touch things four times in a certain place, or washing my hands five times to make sure they're clean. My OCD is my mind being on a continuous go round on thoughts. Whether it's good thoughts and thoughts about what this day entails, or bad thoughts about things that I wish I never had to think about again. It's something that I've had to teach myself to overcome and figure out ways to move past whatever's bothering me. 
   In saying so, this year as most of you know, I got a job at the beginning of the year to try and keep myself and my mind busy enough to not have idling thoughts. It has definitely worked, but has left me time for nothing else. Unfortunately, causing me to make a difficult decision on whether or not I want to continue working. I love where I work, the people there are amazing and I feel as though I've made friends there that I wouldn't have been able to years ago. Friends that I can lean on whenever I need them. And I will forever be grateful. I will miss them all when I don't work there anymore, but I need to finish focusing on school. I graduate in 3 months and I need to prepare for that. My life right now, is hectic as some may say, but that's the way I like it and that's the way that I need it to be. Some people don't understand that. Some people don't understand why I'm involved in so much, and that's okay because I enjoy what I do. 

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