Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life Goes On

   This school year has been by far, the most telling year of my life so far. It's taught me that no matter what goes on in my life, that I will be able to move on and move forward no matter what gets thrown my way. It's taught me to be able to see who in my life I can  always count on and who I need to slowly let go. 
  I've always been one to hold on to people in my life longer than I should have. I try to give people the most chances to prove to me that things can change. And that always seems to bite me in the end. I'm too forgiving and I change for everyone but myself.  
   So today while I'm watching tv and thinking about my last months of high school, I realized something. I realized that life passes by so quickly and that I have taken for granted the time that I've had. I'm so excited for my life after high school. I looks forward to seeing all that's to come of my life. But in order for me to be able to do this, I have to let my friends go. I have to let the ones go that don't treat me well. I have to be able to let go of the friendships that no longer benefit me, and that sucks. 
  It's hard. But life goes on. 

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