Wednesday, December 11, 2013


There are different kinds of pain.
The physical pain that you feel when you fall down. 
The emotional pain you feel right after a break up. 
The mental pain you feel while you're taking your finals. 
Like I said, there are many kinds of pain that a human has to deal with. I think that the most painful is emotional. Emotional pain affects how you function day to day, what your mood is like, and how personable you will be with other people for that day or week. 
Emotional pain hits me the hardest. I used to be a very emotional child when I was growing up. I would cry about everything, no matter how big or small they were. It was not my finest moment. Now I'm not very emotional, I hardly ever cry. I tend to just get very frustrated now. I get frustrated very easily and that's annoying. When I can't figure something out, then I just kind of shut down. When I need help and no one offers to help, I get angry.
Now, I am thinking about how ridiculous this all sounds. I sound like a child that when they don't get there way just throws a tantrum. That's not me.... Well this was an affective blog. Excuse me for my embarrassing blog. 


      As Frankenstein is coming to an end, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed Frankestein far more then I enjoyed Hamlet. Frankenstein has more character interaction. It is more enticing to the audience. The story line actually makes sense to me and I can follow it. 

   Mary Shelley's goal was to make a romantic era horror story, and instead to me it's a story about a creature that just wants to be excepted and loved. He wants to be able to live in society with humans and be able to interact with and fall in love with someone. Having a companion to be able to be with and relate to. He just wants to be loved since his creator doesn't want him it anything to do with him.  
  Acceptance is an important part of life. And that's all that the creature wants. I look forward to seeing how this story ends. Hoping the odds are forever in their favor. 

Friday, December 6, 2013


This sounds like a cliché, but ever since I was a little kid I have wanted to be a veterinarian. I have had a passion for learning about animals and being there for them to make them feel better since I was little. I’ve always been an animal person. In the summer of 2012 I was able to have the opportunity to shadow a local veterinarian for the summer to see if I really wanted to pursue a career in veterinary sciences.

In those few short months I had learned quite a bit about animals, one aspect I learned is that I love animals even if they aren’t my own. Secondly, I would never be cut out to be a veterinarian. While shadowing the doctors that summer when they performed surgeries, sewed up sutures, saved lives, and ended lives, I knew that I would never be cut out to be a vet. I knew that I loved animals and still wanted to pursue a career that involved animals in one way or another. That’s how I came to the conclusion of wanting to open my own animal rescue center one day. I’ve seen multiple TV shows that have inspired me to pursue this career choice. It’s not an easy job I know that, but I am a very hands on person. I enjoy working with animals and knowing that I can help them stay off the streets and continue to stay healthy ignites a spark in me that I can’t seem to extinguish.

I am a motivated person, with very strong leadership capabilities and qualifications. I enjoy talking to people which would allow me to help adopt out the animals in my rescue center. My love for animals is what drives me, what better way to show that love, then by establishing my own rescue center.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


   Relationships are tricky things, being that they don't last forever. Or they most likely won't last forever and that's the most  frustrating  part about them. When you put all of your effort and heart into a relationship and it doesn't work out, it sucks. 

   Yes, relationships have there ups and downs, but in the end if you truly love that person, then all the ups and downs don't really effect you. They make the relationship grow stronger and it makes your heart grow fonder for your significant other. 

  Unfortunately that's not always the case though, and I can be the one to attest to that... I was in a relationship for the past year and a half. I had known him since 6th grade and had liked him ever since then. He wasn't allowed to have a girlfriend then, so we had waited until middle school and then we started dating. It didn't really work out, so we ended it and I went to another high school so I never really thought of him again... 
  My best friend goes to school with him and is asked about him sometimes to her and she would te me who he was dating or anything she knew. Sophomore year, I went to a football game with her to my zoned high school and low and behold he was there. I hadn't seen him in about two years, so when I did I was really excited. He looked so attractive and I just couldn't believe how much he had changed... I started to have a crush on him.. We were able to hangout after that with our mutual friends and it just started from there. 

   I have to say, that dating him was one of the best things that has happened to me. He taught me a lot about myself, he taught me who I wanted to be and who I wanted to be with. He was my first love, and he always will be. But I think it's time to move on. Move on away from the heartache and start focusing on myself again.