Monday, October 14, 2013

Preparing for Break

    Unfortunately for me, I had written this blog post in class on Friday and thought that I had posted it. I then go on my blog this morning and see that I hadn't even posted anything. My disappointment was immense. I'll try to remember what I wrote, so bear with me. 
     This week long break this month is a blessing. I'm not a religious person what so ever, but it was definitely a blessing to have this break, because it was well needed. Mr. Burge had asked us to write a blog on Friday for how we were going to stay on track or ahead over our week long break.  
    For me that was an easy question because I had an easy answer. Since I have luckily not missed any classes this quarter, I have no assignments that I need to catch-up on. Which means, that this break is geared towards me finishing the little homework that I got on Friday, as well as studying for taking my SAT again and my ACT for the very first time. I was able to get two study books for each test and it is my goal to begin doing the ACT prep book. I'm not a very good test taker, so I hope that with this help, that I am able to accomplish my goal of getting a good score. 
      Along with studying, I need to continue with my search of scholarships that I am eligible for. I have a lot to do this break that will keep me on track. But all I really want to do this break is sleep and relax by doing nothing. 

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