Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fake, An Ode To You

Fake, fake, fake,
Those are the only words that are replaying in my brain right now.
You don’t know me then, that’s all I think.
How can someone be fake,
When they were friends with someone like you for so long?
How am I fake, if I was your only friend?
If I was so fake, isn’t that a lapse on your judgment then?
How could you be friends with someone as “fake” as me?
I pity the ignorance that this world has succumb to.

Your judgment clouded by lust and hate.
Sexual poses, made up all in your mind.
We never had a chance.
You knew that.
You pushed my boundaries for so long,
I had tried to stick up for you when people said not to get to close.
I disregarded them, because you were my best friend.
WERE as in past tense.
Not fake friends, or whatever else you may call it.
As days went by, I began to notice everyone was RIGHT.

It was my fault that our relationship got to where it is now.
It wasn’t a friendship, it was too much more than that.
I’d hope that you would change and begin  to realize that our friendship was too intense.
You wanted more.
I wanted less.

Our friendship was never to evolve into more.
I had thought that it was mutual,
That you had not wanted anymore.
If anything, you are fake.
Telling me that you didn’t like me anymore.
Don’t point fingers at me and tell me to apologize.

With you, my anger was always prominent.
IT wasn’t just “my time of the month”
It was you being in my life and acting the way that you did, that always made me angry.
You took advantage of my friendship.

Don’t you dare, blame your anger on me.
Our friendship used to mean the world to me.

You knew from the moment that you met me,
That I was as real as they come.

It’s time to move on and move forward.
Good luck in life, and may everything that you deserve in life,
Come your way.

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