Thursday, September 12, 2013


   Yesterday in class we had the opportunity to take a part of a practice test for our AP exam that we take in May. It was a bit challenging to say the least. Usually in class when we are assigned a poem, we read it by ourselves for homework and then are able to discuss it when we get back to class. For our AP test we aren’t allowed to do discuss anything with anyone. Those tests require complete silence. So, you can imagine the difficulty that the practice test posed for me when I wasn’t able to discuss with my friends what they thought about a part of the poem or what they thought that the poem meant.
    The poem was a poem by Emily Dickinson, one of the most confusing poets that I have ever heard of. All of her poems always have more than one meaning or have a hidden meaning. It’s hard to understand for me what she is saying most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, she has great poems, with abstract thoughts and thought provoking words, but why couldn’t she have just made it a little easier to understand.
   Needless to say, when I took the practice part of the test in my AP English class yesterday in Burge’s cold room in a hard cold chair, I didn’t understand what was going on. I didn’t do so well on that test. I have confidence though, that with Mr. Burges help, that I will be able to pass the AP exam with great understanding and ease. I look forward to all that is to come this year and all the knowledge that I will gain in this class to use to further my future college career. I just hope that as our text gets closer I will still feel the same.

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