Thursday, September 26, 2013

Leadership is my life

   I've always been a strong child, ever since the day that I was born. With my strong headedness or as some would like to call it "stubbornness" comes leadership. One of my favorite things to be a part of. I've always been a leader, and have surrounded myself by those that follow, ever since I could remember having friends. Being a leader is in my blood I guess you could say.
   I enjoy the feeling of the authority that you gain when in a leadership role. Its a thrill that I get when I am able to head something important. For the past 6 years now, I have been involved in leadership and couldn't have asked to be a part of something better then it. I couldn't imagine being involved in anything else. As the years progress, so do my leadership skills. Going to my high school has really benefited me even more so, because it has given me many more opportunities to better and add on to those skills.
  I've grown and moved up on the totem pole these past 4 years in leadership positions. I went from being a freshmen representative to being secretary, to vice president and this year, I can happily announce that I am president. President of my academy I mean. Being a part of something where you know that you try your hardest and it prevails you, is a great feeling.
  Being a leader is what I have a passion for. When people judge me and use it against me as a leader it makes me upset. There's nothing I dislike more then negative people. Especially those that doubt me. When that happens there is no greater feeling, then metaphorically sticking up your middle finger and saying "What have you done, to have someone consider you as a leader? Not to mention, who are you to judge me?" I am not the person most people perceive me to be. I am me, and that person is a great leader that hopes to change the world, or at least make it an enjoyable place to be for others.
   As a leader, that's all that you can ask for. That at least some people benefit and appreciate all that you did.  Maybe one day they will. I'm not the most popular or the prettiest, but I care, and I hope those that have doubted me, will soon realize that I am human just like they are. We all have faults, but I ask as a leader that you don't just pick out the wrongs. find some good.

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