Monday, September 30, 2013

The Cycle of Hamlet

    Mr. Burge had told us that as we continued to read Hamlet that we would begin to understand it more and that it would become easier for us to get the first time around. For most people it was becoming easier to grasp all the different meanings that Shakespeare had put into his writing. As Burge continuously tells us, Shakespeare doesn’t have just one meaning for anything that he writes.
    The double meaning to his work is something that’s hard for me to grasp a lot of the time. Reading Shakespeare confuses me greatly because I second guess myself on what I think something could possibly mean. I feel like if I begin to understand what is being said in the play that there is something that I am missing. As if I’m not fully understanding anything that’s going on, maybe I’m just thinking that I do.
   In all honesty, Shakespeare frustrates me. How could one person write so many successful plays in such a short period of time? Each being as successful as the last one that was written. How does someone come up with so many different play ideas, plots, characters and settings, while still being able to not repeat anything ever? It doesn’t make sense. Frankly, Shakespeare makes me feel inferior which makes me even angrier.
   Who would have known that one play like Hamlet could make me feel as though I was back in freshman year Algebra all over again? It’s ridiculous. I try to participate more during our class readings to have a better understanding, but I’ve been picked twice and not with as much willingness that I would have hoped or thought there would be.
   I don’t like this Hamlet cycle, I would like to stop the on going process.

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