Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hamlet is almost over

    Reading Hamlet to me is like a never ending tilt-a-whirl. You just keep getting flung back and forth and you don’t understand why, and you just want to get off this stupid ride and put your feet on the ground for once and take a breath.   Oh how I wish that right now I could take a breather from having to read Hamlet. It sucks, royally. It’s such a pain in my butt. Not only do we have to read and annotate, one of my least favorite things to do, but we have to write chapter analysis’s and then write a one page analysis of a soliloquy in each Act. Very tedious and very frustrating.
   We just got done reading Scene 1 in Act 5, and it all made sense to me. There was not one part if that Scene that did not make sense to me. I was so very proud of myself. This last scene was in the graveyard as the grave diggers are getting Ophelia’s grave site ready for her burial. Hamlet and Horatio then come in and Hamlet is disgusted with how the grave diggers are treating Ophelia’s death, as if it’s a joke.
   Laertes and the rest of the people then come in and mourn over the loss of Ophelia. Hamlet and Laertes argue with each other about who loved Ophelia more as well as who should be buried alive with her. Laertes jumps into the grave and holds his dear sister one last time before her body is gone forever. It was sad to read and yet I was able to feel their pain.
  I am so very ready for Hamlet to be over and for us as a class to be able to move on to bigger and better subjects.

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