Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ap Woes

            When I chose my classes last year for my last year of high school, I thought to myself, pick classes that are easy enough to pass but are still challenging enough that I don’t get bored with them. As well as having a schedule that I would enjoy and have classes that I actually wanted to have. So that’s what I did, I built my schedule for myself this year, not for college or for the counselors or my teachers, or my parents. I built it for how I wanted MY school year to go.
            I was almost 100% positive that my schedule would be manageable this year and it would be easy enough that I would be able to have free time and be able to prepare myself for college. I thought wrong I guess you could say. Very wrong…
            Yesterday while I was in my AP English class, our teacher was talking to us about scholarships and applying for schools. Whenever he talks about those things I have a mini panic attack because I think about all the things that I have to do and have done and by what dates they need to be done by. It’s overwhelming to me and I can tell it’s starting to take a toll on me because I’m getting stress sick. For me, that’s when I have too many things on my plate and I begin to have a messed up body. My stomach is the main contributor to that.
            Next, he started talking about the novel that we have begun reading in class and taking it home as well. We had to take a quiz on the chapters that we had previously read and I read the book and I had felt pretty confident in myself that I would do well on the quiz. I was wrong for that as well…. I was at a loss for words yesterday after I had finished taking the quiz. I knew I had failed the quiz, which had angered me even more than I already was and the day had just begun. I read the book, so how could I have failed the test? It was extremely disappointing that the test had gone the way it had. It makes me wonder if I had made the wrong choice in picking AP literature as my English class, maybe I should have done regular English and just been able to get an easy A and been done with this year.

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