Monday, November 18, 2013


This past week I went to our SkillsUSA fall leadership conference, the last of my high school career. It was bittersweet in a way, because for the past four years Skills has been my life, my own sport that I am able to participate in. It has allowed me to grow as a person, as a leader, and just as an all-around person. It has allowed me to meet and make many new friends. It has allowed me to be more social able and has taught me how to be able to speak in front of a larger group of people.
I am very blessed to have been a part of leadership for four years consecutively. It’s an experience that I would have never expected in my life time. Before I had left for our trip, I had promised myself that I would make the trip the best that I could, meaning that I wouldn’t have any drama or if there was, I would stray from that. For the most part, I did just that. That was, up until the people from other schools on our bus started to say that our school sucked and theirs was so much better. I got angry that those morons had even said that to us. So I asked them why our school had won so many more gold medals then they had, that shut them up real fast.
All four of my best friends as well as myself had shared a hotel room when we were in Elk town, and boy was it crowded. Five girls with one bathroom and two beds, needless to say it was interesting, especially because we were all in such close quarters. We had drama as well, but we are a team and we always get through it somehow.
It was a great trip all in all and I’m glad that I was able to be a part of the trip.

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