Friday, November 29, 2013

"Not the Right Class"

      I worry a lot. Ask anyone that knows me well enough and they will tell you that I worry a lot and about the most unnecessary things that someone could worry about over 90% of the time. I have always been a worry wart and especially with having OCD it is more prevalent then it would be in a “normal” person. .

            Senior year isn’t helping me with trying to cut down on my worrying and that’s even more frustrating than anything else is right now…  I have a lot of large worries right now that I am not sure which one I need to deal with first to start to ease my mind.

            Yesterday in AP our teacher was talking about college and scholarships, so like  I said in my other blog post, I began to have a mini panic attack about all that I still need to do and then I began to zone out.  As I began to zone back in, I heard him talking about if we couldn’t handle what we were doing right now, that maybe we needed to not be in AP anymore and needed to find a way to get into a regular English class.

                Um, well that was annoying to me. Just because I was getting a little bit behind with turning in a few assignments that he had assigned us but never told us when they were due, does not mean I belong in regular English. I have never been in a regular English class and plan on never being in a regular English class. I’m sorry, but I respectfully disagree with your opinion. I am a smart individual and will always be smart. Quite frankly, if I'm not good enough to be in that class, I don't know how half of the people in my class are meant to be there either....

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