Sunday, November 10, 2013

Novembers prediction

    This last week I have been sick and quite frankly it sucks. I hate being sick and having that nasty sore throat and than the cough and bleh. It is just gross. Due to me being sick, I missed school on Monday. Which added more work to my already jam packed full plate. When I went to class on Wednesday and stayed after to ask my English Lit teacher what I had missed, he replied with not very much, watching hamlet scenes from different movies, reading hamlet and telling everyone that they are going to cry by the end of this month because of how stressed they are. When he told me that, I had to laugh. We were all going to cry? Really Burge, I hardly cry anymore. I figured that most people would cry, but I thought I wouldn't. I'm the type of person that needs lots of things going on in my life to function properly. And that's just what I had, lots of things going on in my life this past week. Not to mention quite a bit of homework. 
    On Thursday after work, I had signed up to go to a informative meeting on a college that I have been considering. That meeting started at 6:30, so my mom told me to be home by 6 so we could leave by 6:15 and get there on time. I said no problem, I should be out of work by 5:45. I jinxed myself when I told my mom that, because I wasn't able to leave work at the time I needed to. We had an emergency cat that came in and it's owner didn't leave until after we had been closed. Which messed up my shutting down routine for the night. Strike one. So I just started closing down what I could. Strike two. I have OCD so I always close down everything the same way every night and I couldn't do that on Thursday and it bothered me, a lot. Final straw, I asked my coworker if it was okay if I did all the cleaning every where but in the back and if she could do that so I could leave and get home to go to my meeting. She angrily said I guess to me. Strike three. The tears started to build in my eyes and I just thought to myself how angry I was that no one would help me. I hurry to finish the rest of my job so I could leave and go home before I had a melt down. I worked quietly so that I wouldn't be bothered. My other coworker asked me to show her how to shut something down, so I showed her. She asked me what was wrong and I replied nothing. Hoping she wouldn't keep asking, I contined to show her the steps to shutting down the machine. She said I know something's going on, what's up? I began to explain to her what was going on, and didn't get very far before I had started to let the tears fall. I was embarrassed. Work is a place of work, not tears and whining. I felt bad, I'm not a complainer. I'm a hard worker and always get my work done. 

    So I finished the closing for the night and asked if I could leave. I saw my coworker telling our superior what had gone on and I was even more embarrassed. So I left and went home to get ready in two minutes to go to my meeting with my parents. Luckily I made it to the meeting and all was good. My homework for this last week is a whole other story, for another time. 

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